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Diana Carr: Shepherds of the Dawn
Diana Carr's song, Shepherds of the Dawn, sung by Bird Tribe, is an uplifting and motivational call to each and every one of us to let the light inside of us reach out to our families and beyond. We are called to join in unison to be peaceful warriors that break barriers and the more the merrier, because each person's voice is needed and valued. Reminiscent of the words from a June Jordan poem, "W... posted on May 19 2023, 1,773 reads


The Alphabet Rockers
"Based in Oakland, California, Alphabet Rockers is unlike other bands that make music primarily for children, and over the last several years, Grammy voters have noticed. The hip-hop collective--which weaves the stories, spirit, and voices of a widely diverse group of young people into their work has earned a total of four nominations for Best Children's Album. This year, they took home their firs... posted on May 18 2023, 1,113 reads


Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic
Dr Paul Conti is the author of 'Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic: How Trauma Works and How We Can Heal From It' In the following interview he speaks with Tami Simon "about healing the unresolved trauma we hold inside both individually and collectively. They also discuss how trauma operates differently in different people, overcoming "reflexive shame," self-inquiry and the embrace of a "true life nar... posted on May 17 2023, 8,608 reads


Among the Trees
"Ive had a love of trees all my life. Throughout high school, I lived in a house in the woods in Massachusetts, and even on the darker mornings of winter what kept me from being frightened was the trees themselvesmostly scrub pines, as we called them there, with struggling oaks scattered among them. Unlike the kids at school, the trees remained silent as I passed, and I took this as a sign of acce... posted on May 16 2023, 1,723 reads


Transforming Food
"Weaving webs around the highways of northeast England, the REfUSE van was collectively funded by 315 people. They gave amounts ranging from fifty-pence pieces to four-digit sums until the great day when we could finally drive it off the lot and park it next to its newly installed electric charger. Each month it intercepts around thirteen tons of in-date food, otherwise destined for the dumpster, ... posted on May 15 2023, 1,257 reads


"One day her teacher lost her voice and asked mother to help teach the class. Standing in front of the class, she knew what she wanted to do when she grew up to be a teacher. Later when her father asked her, his eldest daughter, to quit school to carry some family responsibilities at age 11, she begged, but he wouldn't change his mind. Her pillow was wet with her tears. She never returned to schoo... posted on May 14 2023, 2,139 reads


Leah Penniman: Farming While Black
"Through Soul Fire, Leah Penniman has become a leader in the movement to reverse the effects of historical, systematic exclusion of black and brown communities from the means of production and consumption of wholesome food, and to reconnect those communities with a long, oft-forgotten history of land stewardship. Her book, Farming While Black, available now from Chelsea Green Publishing, is a how-... posted on May 13 2023, 1,723 reads


Bokkapuram's Birdman
"He can recognise the gentle hoot of the elusive wood owl and the call of four types of babblers. He also knows exactly what kind of ponds the migratory Woolly-necked storks breed in. B. Siddan had to drop out of school, but his knowledge of avian species in and around his home in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, is the delight of an ornithologist. "There were three boys named Siddan in my village of Bok... posted on May 12 2023, 1,126 reads


Early Music: Three Poems
"My name is Micheal O'Suilleabhain, I am a poet, singer, teacher and guide from Ireland. These three poems are from my collection Early Music. Each are a reflection on change, presence and inspiration in our lives. May they help you find the still point in your life today as we search for the daily good. Love from Ireland."
... posted on May 11 2023, 4,554 reads


Radiant Thinking
"This book is structured a little like a garden in which the seeds have been broadcast in wide spirals. There is an insistence on the relationship between all of the subjects within it: motherhood, climate collapse, social justice, botanical history, but also a commitment (at least as I see it) to a kind of disorder, a refusal to manage (or manhandle) the topics in relation to each other, but to l... posted on May 10 2023, 1,149 reads


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Even if it's a yucky day, you can get a hug.
Clark Todebush

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